Sweet Tooth Bats

Passion project of @Comet_Wire


Name:Kevin but goes by Kirby in their jester gig, doesn't mind either name to be referred too
•Part time jester and merchant, they took up two jobs to be able to sustain their living requirements; although very exhausted. They're actually a really good jester! However, he tends to get unfocused and mess up, but it garners him more attention and laughter so at times he doesn't have to worry about it despite still being embarrassed. Previous employers from some jester related gigs haven't thought much of it, in fact they'd think he did it on purpose to be funny, so it works out well for Kevin/Kirby.
•Skinniest and lankiest of the trio
•21-22 y/o
•Jester attire is more elegant but silly, often sporting a white, baby blue and pastel pink color scheme with some gold accents. His merchant attire is the most elegant out of the two but considerably more simple than their jester attire, both have the same color scheme. It makes him look like cotton candy and the only two allowed to point this out without getting a yellow diamond esque stare is his partners.
•He's basically that image of the guy in the window with the cigarette 67% of the time but he's all lovey and blushy with his partners. He's the tallest but Salem and Ripley are shorter but considerably stronger than him and it makes them blush all the time.
Black hair but eventually dyes/puts some pink in it
•Refrigerates empty cardboard (he forgets to throw it out lol)
•The "Sweet" in 'sweet tooth bats'


Shark Tamer:🦈🌊
Name: Ripley
•They/them but doesn't mind other pronouns
•Once human but got cursed to be part fish/shark, they don't mind it but get worried about outliving Kevin/Kirby. They love their sharks and are actually happy they can swim underwater with them since the curse/transformation.
•They meet Salem and Kevin/Kirby post curse however
•Stocky but slightly toned,arms are the most toned/beefy
•20-21 y/o
•Their clothing style is more street wear-esque with a slight hint of elegance at times but they usually wear a tube top thing and dark blue baggy streetwear type pants with rips in it with red accents.
•They also have gills on their neck and sharp teeth! They have shark like teeth but 3 specific teeth are oddly longer but Kirby/Kevin and Salem think it's cute
•They appear more human-like but the longer they're swimming or underwater the more shark-like they become! It is not an H20 mermaid situation, if they get water on them for a split second they're absolutely fine! They'll get grayish-blue skin as a result of their curse
•Darker blue and white hair
•They have a tattoo on their one shoulder!
•Can pick up both Kevin/Kirby and Salem with ease
•Melancholic personality but also mischievous; therefore they and Salem get the sillies and Kev/Kirby are just 🧍
•Due to sharks being often misunderstood, as they actually do not pursue humans but are merely curious, they also get their fair share of misunderstood situations due to the curse and also working with sharks
•Two of their sharks are named Finn and Wave
•The "Tooth" in 'sweet tooth bats'

Salem Cynfael

Name:Salem Cynfael, nickname is Sally. Last name is pronounced 'Sin-fell'.
•Chubby and pear shaped!! Very squishy in the face
•21-23 y/o
•They like to wear the usual cape and cravat type vampire get up but they switch it up every now and again, they just like the flowiness of the cape (it's his favorite!!) But other than that it's often seen wearing dark colors with occasional splashes of bright colors, they would like the scene and goth styles (given that they're a younger vampire)!
•They dye part of their hair red as a way to honor their deceased mother, as he has his deceased father's hair color so it combined the two colors in its hair!
•Very smiley for a vampire, often bleps which makes the other two go 🥺 bc they look so silly with their fangs in the mix of the blep, it's one of their stims!
•Has a slight accent! Is it German or Romanian?? We don't know lol
•Has umbrellas as to not get so burnt by the sun!
•fascinated with humans but most humans have appeared to be scared of him from the little interaction he has gotten with them, still wishes to be friends. Thinks they're "Full of life;" Salem only drinks animal blood if he absolutely needs to, other than that he doesn't drink blood.
•The "Bats" in 'Sweet tooth bats'

Art, Concepts & Comic pages

🔒Will be unlocked soon🔒

Other Characters

•Serene & Nikolas Cynfael (Salem's parents)
•Aunt Irene (Salem's aunt, Serene's twin sister)

🔒 Information will be unlocked soon🔒